Posted by Nicky Smol on December 7, 2021 in Other news
Man overboard is a situation where someone from the crew of the ship falls out at sea from the ship. This can happen in circumstances like bad weather, accidents, or even negligence.
The initial and early sighting of the fallen crew member plays a vital role in increasing the percentage of saving his/her life. The actions for a MOB (Man Overboard) are extremely urgent and must be taken without any delay to save the life of the person who has fallen overboard.
When a man is overboard, the next steps are crucial:
The official graphic symbol by ISO 7010 for ‘Man Overboard’ indicates the location of a person overboard call point.
Even though the instructions seem clear, spotting someone in the water can be difficult, especially when the water is rough. The temperature of the water is also a big factor in a man overboard rescue mission. The colder the water, the faster someone gets exhausted or even unconscious. Survival time decreases when the water is colder. That is where SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) Maritime Safety products come in.
The water at sea can be very rough and cold, making it very hard to keep your head above the water. Even when you are an excellent swimmer. That is why wearing an inflatable life jacket can make an enormous difference between life and death.
The Besto 300 Newton inflatable twin chamber lifejacket is an automatically operated jacket. It can be easily worn on top of the crew’s gear. When an emergency occurs, the life jacket can be inflated. The Besto 300 Newton inflatable twin chamber lifejacket is specifically designed for use on the open sea. It is suitable for the most extreme weather conditions. In addition, it is designed in accordance with the latest SOLAS/MED requirements.
The Besto 300 Newton inflatable professional-style lifejacket is an ergonomic offshore working jacket that can also be used in the most extreme weather condition. The lifejacket will always rotate the body, so the airways are clear of the water.
This model has a good body fit due to the soft outer cover and special neck shape. The collar is strapped onto the back, this gives a comfortable neck fit. Also, it gives good neck/head support when the jacket is inflated.
The jacket comes standard with a crotch strap to enhance performance and freeboard. The jackets are finished with edge binding all around and have a floating capacity of 300N. They are available in various colors.
In a man overboard situation, a lifejacket will increase the chances of survival tremendously. But it can still be hard for the crew of the ship to spot the man overboard in the rough waters. Therefore a lifejacket light will make it easier for the crew to find the missing crewmember.
The automatically water-activated LED lifejacket light is unique in its brightness and duration. This is possible because it uses Alkaline batteries instead of standard Lithium batteries. The compact and thin design is equipped with a light bubble/dome while maintaining the integrity of inflatable lifejackets. It is delivered with a clip that fits almost any life jacket.
The light is deactivated by pressing the power button on the front side. If the light after disruption is brought back to automatic mode, and the water contacts are dry, splash water on the contacts, and the light goes on again.
The lifebuoys are designed to be thrown into the water to a person to prevent drowning.
When a man is overboard, the crewmembers of the ship release a lifebuoy. These lifebuoys have to be easily accessible and placed on both sides of the ship. They should be on all open decks extending to the side of the ship and at least one should be placed near the stern.
The lifebuoys need to be fastened in a way that makes it easy for crew members to quickly and freely drop them onto the water.
To make lifebuoys even more visible, they can be accompanied by a lifebuoy light. These lifebuoy lights are attached to the lifebuoys upside down. Once the lifebuoy hits the water, the lifebuoy lights detach from the buoy. While still attached to the buoy by a strong cord. Since the bottom of the lifebuoy light is heavier, it turns upside down causing the light on the top to automatically activate itself.
Koyro Lifebuoy light K36 is well known throughout the global market as a reliable and efficient lifebuoy light. It is designed to withstand the toughest rigors of the maritime environment and is completely watertight. The lifebuoy light is also marked with SolasFlex Retro Reflective Tape for even better visibility.
Another SOLAS maritime product used in a man overboard situation is the Pneumatic Line Thrower. This line thrower can launch the line towards a man overboard by compressing air. Once the man overboard has reached the line, the crew members can pull the line back in towards the ship.
Our BLT 250 Line thrower has 4 interchangeable launchers. The projectiles are easy to refill, so the line thrower is reusable and the shelf life is unlimited. The line can reach approximately 250 meters and reach its maximum speed at the end of the launcher. Of course, our BLT 250 Line Thrower meets all demands of SOLAS/IMO regulation 74/83.
Our SOLAS Safety Products are well-known for their reliability, quality, and competitive price point. Are you interested in one of the above products? Or curious about our other products, such as our HRU, Embarkation ladders, or many more? You can receive our new IMO 2023 – 2024 catalog for free! Or just browse it online right now.
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