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EEBD – Emergency Escape Breathing Device

Posted by Nicky Smol on January 20, 2022 in Other news

What is an EEBD? An Emergency Escape Breathing Device, or EEBD, is a supplied air or oxygen device. You use it to escape from a compartment that has a hazardous atmosphere, like a toxic or oxygen-deficit environment. A hazardous atmosphere means any atmosphere that is immediately dangerous to life or health. Our breathing devices consist
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Release hooks for liferafts & rescue boats

Posted by Nicky Smol on January 18, 2022 in Other news

At T-ISS, we have several release hooks for liferafts and rescue boats. Release hooks will make sure your liferaft or rescue boat will release itself into the water in times of emergency. Some of these hooks let go automatically while others can be handled manually. In this article, we tell you all about our marine
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Water Mist Lance – NEW at T-ISS

Posted by Nicky Smol on January 11, 2022 in Other news

Water Mist Lance We are proud to introduce our newest Fire Isolator product to you: the ‘Water Mist Lance‘. You can use this device to put out fires from within. How? The Lance is capable of penetrating a container wall. When connected to the fire main it will produce a water mist inside the container.
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Invite: Live Demonstration of FIRE ISOLATOR concept

Posted by Nicky Smol on January 7, 2022 in Events

If you are a decision-maker in your company, active in a sector where EV car fires are a real and serious threat, then this Live Demonstration of the FIRE ISOLATOR concept is a ‘must-attend’ event for you. You will be able to witness how the deployment of the FIRE ISOLATOR concept can drastically minimize the
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Rust Stop tape – how to use

Posted by Nicky Smol on January 5, 2022 in Other news

Rust Stop tape by T-ISS Rust Stop Petro tape by T-ISS is an anti-corrosion tape that can be applied to all types of steel. The tape provides excellent resistance to water, acids, alkalies, and salts. It is an appropriate long-term solution against corrosion. Even underwater, under the ground, and in harsh weather conditions, the tape
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