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LED Escape & EXIT Lights for cruiseships and ferries

Posted by Nicky Smol on March 19, 2021 in Product information

LED Escape signs & Exit lights by T-ISS Safety Suppliers

An effective escape route signage system consists of several elements, of which LED EXIT lights are an indispensable element to guide guests and crew to safety at all times. Escape route signage can’t do without LED EXIT lights but LED EXIT lights can’t do without other escape route signage. Our new line of LED Escape Signs meets all your needs.

LED EXIT Light or LED Escape Sign?

Cruise ships or ferries are complex architectural environments. Does every guest or crewmember know the exact layout of the ship, do they know where the lifeboats are on the ship and how to get there? This is why the designation LED EXIT light is not always correct in the environment of a cruise ship or ferry. LED Escape Sign is a more applicable designation, as an “EXIT” in the middle of the sea is not recommended. In accordance with ISO, as defined in the 24409-2 required by IMO Resolution 1116(30), a safety sign should always consist of a symbol. This can certainly include the word ‘EXIT’, or ‘Assembly station’, but simply just the word ‘EXIT’ is not sufficient. Also, an arrow without the addition of a symbol is not an escape sign.

Introducing the SafeSign LED Escape Sign: photoluminescence eliminates the need for batteries

Our newly developed line of LED Escape Signs is designed to not only meet all of the laws and regulations, but also to fit perfectly in terms of functionality and design into the passenger corridors aboard cruise ships and ferries. Our LED Escape signs/LED Exit lights for cruise and ferry are more than just pretty to look at. Through an innovation resulting from our years of experience with after-glowing safety signs, our SafeSign Led Escape Sign features photoluminescent material so that when the electricity source fails due to a disaster, the photoluminescent properties of the escape sign take over. This eliminates the need for a battery, which fits within the objectives of reducing the carbon footprint of the cruise and ferry industry.

Watch here the effect of our LED Escape Sign switching from electrical power to afterglow.

Our SafeSign LED Escape Sign is available in every possible layout, of which you can see some examples here:

LED Escape sign by T-ISS Safety Suppliers

More information and quote request

If you would like more information about this new innovative LED Escape Sign or would like to request a quote for your vessel immediately, please contact us at sales@t-iss.com.