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Product spotlight: Low Location Light Measurements

Posted by Nicky Smol on February 21, 2019 in Product information

Over the years T-ISS gained a lot of valuable experience in doing Low Location Light measurements on all sorts of vessels. In this article we would like to take the opportunity of telling you more about this subject.   Why are Low Location Light measurements needed? According to several regulations, vessels that carry passengers are
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T-ISS ISO9001 Certified by DNVGL

Posted by Nicky Smol on February 13, 2019 in Press releases

The ISO 9001 is a standard achieved recognizing quality management systems that are specifically designed to help organizations ensure they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders.  We are proud to announce that now also our processes and procedures are ISO9001 certified by DNV GL. DNV GL previously certified many of our products, and
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IMO adopts ISO safety signage standard

Posted by Nicky Smol on February 6, 2019 in Press releases

The new IMO Resolution A1116(30) Escape Route Signs and Equipment Location Markings entered into force on January 1st, 2019. The assembly of the International Maritime Organization recalls resolutions A760(18) as amended by resolution MSC82(70), and A952(23). It has agreed to adopt the safety symbols of ISO 7010 and ISO 24409-2 and as a result, all
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T-ISS presents the International Shore Connection

Posted by Nicky Smol on January 9, 2019 in New products

T-ISS has added the International Shore Connection to its product range. An international shore connection is a universal hose connection required by IMO SOLAS to be available on all ships. The international shore connection SOLAS requirement under Chapter II-2, regulation 19 says that ships above 500 tons gross tonnage and upwards must have at least
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Product spotlight: Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU)

Posted by Nicky Smol on November 19, 2018 in Product information

In this first episode in a series of Product Spotlights, we would like to put the Product Spotlight on the Hydrostatic Release Unit while we take a closer look at what a Hydrostatic Release Unit is, and the crucial role that a Hydrostatic Release Unit, or HRU, plays in case of an emergency.   What
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