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The danger of fire in an electric vehicle (EV)

Posted by Nicky Smol on August 9, 2021 in Product information

EV Fire Isolator by t-ISS Safety Suppliers

The danger of lithium-ion batteries, such as those found in smartphones and electric vehicles (EVs), catching fire or exploding is well known. While the actual consequences of an EV battery catching fire and the dangers that these fires can cause are well known, it remains very difficult to control and extinguish these fires.

Imagine if this happened on the parking deck of a ferry or in an underground parking garage. The consequences could be catastrophic. The methods of extinguishing a fire in a lithium-ion battery depend on the location and extent of the fire. However, as a general rule, special extinguishing equipments and methods are required to completely and safely extinguish or isolate the fire.

By using multiple ways and materials of EV car firefighting, you increase the chances of safely isolating the fire by 500%.

Are you curious about the key components of the Fire Isolator EV Car Fire Protection concept? Please contact one of our specialists or view our brochure Fire Isolator.


To download the product brochure of the T-ISS Ultimate Fire Blanket Vr0906, click here.


T-ISS Ultimate Fire Blanket VR0906