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Tie Tags

Tie Tags

Tie tags are needed when objects and areas need to be marked temporarily for safety reasons, usually during maintenance work.

These labels are printed on flexible matte PVC, so they can be written on.

The labels are supplied in packs of ten. On page 154 of the new catalog you will find which tie tags we can supply with corresponding article code.



Tie tags are small, rectangular labels or markers that are used in the maritime industry to label and identify cables, wires, and other objects that are secured with cable ties. The tags are needed when objects and areas need to be marked temporarily for safety reasons, usually during maintenance work.

Our tags are printed on flexible matte PVC, so they can be written on.

The labels are supplied in packs of ten pieces. In our catalog, you will find which tie tags we can supply with the corresponding article codes.


Tie Tags are a part of our IMO Safety Signs, used in the maritime industry to communicate vital safety information on ships. The safety signs we offer under the brand name SafeSign, are in line with the signs and symbols as developed by the IMO. These symbols and signs consist of safety-related messages that are easy to understand worldwide. This way the signs will be self-explanatory, regardless of nationality or language.